NZ | AU        NZIA Practice        AU tel:  +61 (0)2  8005 7339      NZ tel:  +64 (0)98 889 0662 


William Tozer Associates, headquartered in London, England, is a chartered practice of the Royal Institute of British Architects and a practice member of the New Zealand Institute of Architects, but in all New Zealand correspondence should be referred to as ‘designer’ or ‘architect (UK)’. In accordance with New Zealand law, we employ or work with a Licensed Building Practitioner or NZRAB architect when designing restricted building work. Australian states and territories vary in the types and sizes of projects that they permit foreign architects to undertake, and in all Australian correspondence we should be referred to as ‘designer’ rather than ‘architect’. Much of the work shown on our website and social media was completed in London and other locations outside Australia. We have undertaken projects in Sydney, Northland, and Auckland, and look forward to working in other Australian and New Zealand locations.

Please note that while our UK-based website and social media, and numerous books, magazines, journals and other websites describe us as ‘architects’ and our work as ‘architecture’ this should not be construed as indicating that we are registered or licensed architects in jurisdictions where the use of those terms is restricted. While you may be billed through a separate company in your location for accounting purposes, all client appointments are direct engagements with the UK practice and company. These contracts are subject to the law of England and Wales, and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales. Local taxes and charges (value added tax, sales tax, goods and services tax, customs duty etc.) may be applicable, depending on your location, and the location of your project. These charges are at the clients’ own expense.